In a momentous convocation ceremony held at its Punjab campus, Chitkara University conferred the prestigious title of Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) upon (Hony) Brig Dr. Arvind Lal, Padma Shri, in recognition of his exceptional contributions to healthcare innovation, public health advancement, and philanthropy. Dr. Lal, a visionary leader and trailblazer in laboratory services in India, epitomises excellence in the healthcare sector.
Honorary Doctorate being awarded to Padma Shri (Hony) Brig Dr. Arvind Lal, Executive Chairman Dr. Lal PathLabs Ltd., at a special Convocation ceremony held at Chitkara University
The special convocation was a celebration of Dr. Arvind Lals extraordinary achievements. As the Executive Chairman of Dr. Lal PathLabs Ltd., Dr. Lals visionary leadership has elevated the organization to one of the most esteemed laboratories in Asia. His distinguished career is adorned with numerous accolades, including the Padma Shri in 2009, Business Standard Star SME of the Year in 2021, and the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Healthcare in 2019, highlighting his significant impact on the healthcare industry.
“At Chitkara University, we are inspired by Dr. Arvind Lals commitment to innovation and philanthropy,” remarked Dr. Ashok Chitkara, Chancellor of Chitkara University. “His visionary leadership in healthcare has not only transformed the industry but has also left a lasting mark on society. We are proud to award Dr. Lal the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa), acknowledging his remarkable contributions to healthcare and his enduring influence on Indias future.”
Dr. Lals influence extends beyond his organization. As the Chairman of FICCI’s Swasth Bharat (Public Health) Task Force, he plays a pivotal role in shaping national healthcare policies. His involvement with FICCI, NATHEALTH, and PHD Chambers further cements his status as a visionary in the healthcare domain.
An alumnus of the Armed Forces Medical College Pune, Dr. Lal’s career is characterized by an unwavering dedication to enhancing healthcare and societal well-being. His philanthropic initiatives, including the ALVL Foundation, reflect his compassionate approach to pioneering primary healthcare interventions and fostering spiritual growth.
In recognition of his remarkable achievements and commitment to advancing healthcare and societal well-being, Chitkara University proudly bestows upon (Hony) Brig Dr. Arvind Lal, Padma Shri, the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa), celebrating his enduring legacy and profound impact on the future of healthcare in India.
About Chitkara University
Chitkara University, situated near Chandigarh, has emerged as the most vibrant and high-ranking University in North India. It is ranked among the top 5% of higher education institutions in India. The University is awarded NAAC A+ accreditation and ranked by NIRF (National Institute Ranking Framework). The University offers courses in Engineering and Technology, Business Management, Planning, Architecture, Art & Design, Mass Communication, Sales and Marketing, Hospitality Management, Pharmacy, Health Sciences, Nursing, Law, Psychology, and Education. Students studying at Chitkara University get the best start-up support, world-class research excellence, and many internationally renowned opportunities.
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