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Kodate Parenting App Wins Grant from HDFC PARIVARTHAN as Innovative Mental Wellness Solution to Boost Parent-Child Engagement

​Since its launch in 2021, Kodate has worked with more than 2,000 parents who have children in the age group of 2-12 years

Its solution improves the responsiveness of parents by about 77% and transforms the at-risk children into well-adapted children within a period of 6 months on average

The Chennai-based Kodate Parenting and School Excellence Solutions has won a grant from Parivartan, the CSR wing of HDFC Bank, for its comprehensive solution comprising a mobile app and direct workshops for parents to engage with their children and change their behaviour for the better. The grant was awarded to Kodate as it was adjudged among the leading mental wellness solutions in the country at the Green Ribbon Fest, a mental health entrepreneurship event, hosted recently by STEP, a non-profit organisation dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs.

Kodate was among the 30 odd apps shortlisted at the STEP Green Ribbon Fest. Its unique features include: Kodate Behavioural Index, a tool that measures a child’s behaviour, going by the inputs from their parents; Kodate Parent Engagement Framework, which is a unique parenting wellness framework that helps parents identify the right activities to boost their children’s holistic development, and Kodate Nudges, sent to parents to carry out personalised parent-child activities every day.

The Kodate Behavioural Index takes into consideration four behavioural types: Well Adapted, Dependent, Rebellious, and Withdrawn. It identifies the areas where the child needs help, support, and encouragement. Kodate has about 4,00,000 unique nudges. The app also provides a detailed dashboard for milestones achieved by children in adopting positive habits.

Launched in 2021, Kodate has worked with about 2,000 parents who have children in the age group of 2-12 years. Studies on the effectiveness of Kodate’s solution find that it improves the responsiveness of parents by about 77% and transforms the at-risk children into well-adapted children within a period of 6 months.

Ms. Jeyappria Dhevi, Founder, Kodate

In her comments, Ms. Jeyappria Dhevi, Founder, Kodate, said, “We are very happy to have won the grant as it is a great endorsement of our solution, and a timely recognition of the growing mental health issues of children. Globally, 1 in 6 children are affected with mental wellness issues. However, after COVID, the scenario has worsened to 1 in 5 children, thanks mainly to increased screen time and reduced parent-child engagement. At Kodate, our focus is on preventive measures. Our solution helps parents identify their children’s unhealthy behavioural traits early on and step in at the right time to preempt the traits from becoming major mental or emotional health issues. The solution is centred on continuous evaluation, nudges, customised 10-minute activities for parents to engage with their children every day. These activities help parents discover various facets of their children’s ability, identify their interest areas, and develop their own parenting style.

Kodate also works with schools in providing parental engagements and teacher training on classroom behaviour management solutions. As a result, schools witness an increase in student participation and learning ability, and a significant decrease in behaviour and conduct issues at schools.

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