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Job Change is Motivated by Training: 85% Seek Better Career.

Job Change is Motivated by Training: 85% Seek Better Careers

Remarkably, Career 45 percent of respondents state that in order to take advantage of new chances in their workplace or intended industry, they must upskill.

According to a survey, upskilling encourages people to pursue career changes, with 85% of participants actively looking for new opportunities.

Significant shifts in learner views were observed in Simplilearn’s 2024 State of Upskilling Consumer Survey when compared to 2023. Professionals selected online or part-time credentials in 2024, at a rate of almost 65%, up from 51% the previous year. On the other hand, the proportion of professionals choosing to study on their own rose slightly from 23% in 2023 to 25% in 2024.

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The preference for enrolling in full-time college fell dramatically, from 7% in 2023 to 2% in 2024.

Roughly 97% of those surveyed think that improving one’s skill set is crucial to having more favourable employment prospects. A noteworthy 65% of participants are enrolled in virtual certification programmes, underscoring the significance of adaptable learning alternatives. Unbelievably, 45% of respondents said that upskilling enables them to take advantage of opportunities in their businesses or in subjects they want to pursue.

The most sought-after skills among respondents were data science and business analytics, AI and machine learning, programme and project management, cloud computing and DevOps, cyber security, product management, and software development. This indicates the need for knowledge of cutting-edge technologies.

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“In the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of the IT industry, characterised by market deceleration and frequent disruptions, it is imperative for professionals to upskill for the future,” said Kashyap Dalal, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Simplilearn. “These statistics underscore the criticality of upskilling, particularly in burgeoning fields such as data science, AI, and cybersecurity, which are poised to flourish in today’s digital economy.”

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