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JEE Advanced 2024: Key Chapters by Subject for Last Week.

JEE Advanced 2024

JEE Advanced 2024: With the exam set on May 26, students are already well into their study sessions for JEE Advanced. As the exam provides entry to the nation’s most sought-after IIT institutes, candidates should strengthen their preparation with a solid plan.

In order to assist students in streamlining their study methods during the final week, the article concentrates on subject-by-subject preparation for the forthcoming exam.

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As the exam is just a few days away, students should concentrate on chapters that carry a lot of weight. Work power energy, Current Electricity, Laws of Thermodynamics, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Magnetic Effects of Current, and Electrostatics are all very important from the standpoint of JEE Advanced 2024.

It is strongly advised that applicants review the key ideas on the subjects. Reviewing difficulties that have already been resolved can help to reinforce understanding rather than creating new ones. This method helps with concept reinforcement as well as error detection and correction, which is an important part of exam preparation. Furthermore, students may benefit from memorization of important formulas and derivations during the exam.


In Chemistry, Chemical bonding and molecular structure, General organic chemistry, Electrochemistry, Carbonyl Compounds — aldehydes and Ketones, and Atomic structure are important topics that are more likely to be asked in exams.

When studying Chemistry, one should be well-versed in the important reactions and the various organic chemistry mechanisms. Considering that chemical bonding and periodic tables form the basis for various concepts, during preparation, students should focus on getting a good grasp of the fundamentals to amplify their performance in the section.


To score well in Mathematics, prioritise Continuity and Differentiation, Definite integration, Circle, Probability, and Differential Equations. Students should solve as many mock tests as possible and time themselves to increase their speed and accuracy while solving the problems. Going back to the notes maintained over the year can be very helpful in keeping the important formulas at the tip of the finger.

While the subject-wise strategy is essential, it’s equally important to cover the entire syllabus and not solely focus on high-weightage chapters. Regularly solving mock tests can familiarize students with the paper pattern and enhance their application of concepts.

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